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Maryland Belles

MD Belles – Shabazz Schedule


  • March 23 - Paul VI, Fairfax, VA
    March 29-31 - NYAA Winter Nationals, Blacksburg, VA
    April 13 - USJN East Coast, Malapalan, NJ
    April 26-28 - Boo Williams, Hampton Roads, VA
    May 4-5 - Blue Star Regionals, NJ
    May 18-19 - MAGIC, Baltimore, MD
    June 1 - Comets One Day, Philadelphia, PA
    June 7-9 - JRNBA, Philadelphia PA
    June 22-25 - USJN Hershey, Hershey, PA
    July 3-7 - AAU Nationals, Knoxville, TN
    JUly 24-27 - USJN DC, National Harbor DC